Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Welcome to Waingroves Primary School

Welcome to our school’s website. We hope it gives you a taste of life here at Waingroves Primary School.

I consider myself privileged to be part of the Team of Learning at Waingroves. I am lucky to work with delightful, hard working children who aspire to do the very best they can, committed parents and carers, dedicated Governors, talented hardworking staff and Friends of Waingroves who relentlessly raise money to enrich the learning experiences for our children.




Amarjeet Challand, Headteacher


There is more information about our school in our School Handbook.


'The pupils in the school are articulate, well mannered and well behaved. Pupils' attitudes towards learning are positive and they concentrate on the work they are set by teachers, including when they are working independently. Pupils told me that behaviour is ordinarily good, but when it is not good as it could be the staff act quickly and fairly to apply school rules. As a consequence, bullying in all its forms is very rare and pupils feel safe in their school.' - Ofsted February 2019


Our school is set in beautiful grounds in the heart of Waingroves. We believe in - and celebrate - success at all levels and in all fields. Excellence and enjoyment are key areas for continuing school development and enabling children to become partners in learning and have a real voice in their school community is essential.


'Parents believe that their children make good progress. One parent commented " My children have been cared for and challenged everyday they have been at Waingroves. This is more than a school, it is a family." Governors are knowledgeable both about the many strengths of the school. They are rightly proud of the important role the school plays in the local community.' - Ofsted February 2019


All of our staff give 100% and are wholly committed to creating a learning environment which is safe and secure, stimulating and exciting, in order that our children come to school with a feeling of anticipation and enthusiasm.


'Teachers carefully check what pupils know and what they do not know so that they can plan for the next steps in learning. Pupils told me how much they enjoy their learning as their class teachers 'make learning fun' and provide them with feedback for how they can improve their work. Groups of children, including the disadvantaged and those with SEND, are support well. Leaders identify pupils with SEND promptly.' - Ofsted February 2019


I am always very proud to show visitors and guests around our school; both children and staff convey the true essence of learning at Waingroves far better than I could communicate in words. You will be warmly welcomed.


'You have ensured that the school is a welcoming learning environment, where every child and pupil is respected and encouraged to learn.' - Ofsted February 2019