About Our School
Waingroves Primary School is a community primary school providing education for children from 4 to 11 years of age.
The original school was first opened on 9th June 1884 as an all-age school; infants’ right through to secondary leavers.
Our school has been built over a period of years. The first phase was opened on 5th January 1972, phase two in December 1979. Our new classroom block was opened in January 1998 and our ICT Suite – The Hogarth Room – was officially opened in December 1998. Two new classrooms were then opened in September 2018.
We have a brand new (Summer 2024), well stocked library, a multi-purpose hall, two hard play areas with playground markings and extensive grounds, which includes a large playing field, tyre parks, an outdoor classroom, a soft play area with seating and our newly developed Forest School area, which includes our new pond and new outdoor shelter.
There is more information about our school in our School Handbook.
The School Day
Timings of the School Day
08:50 Registration (start of the school day)
09:00 Lessons begin
10:00 – 10:15 Assembly (every day except Wednesday)
10:15 – 10:30 Morning break – all classes
12:00 Lunch break – all classes
13:00 Afternoon lessons begin - Juniors
13:15 Afternoon lessons begin - Infants
14:15 – 14:30 Afternoon break – Infants only
15:15 End of the school day
This gives a total of 22.08 hours (infants) and 24.58 hours (juniors) teaching time.
Registration closes at 9:15am and any child who arrives after this time will be marked with a ‘U’ for After Registration Closed. This mark affects your child’s attendance figure overall.
Morning Procedure
Children who arrive at school on their own are allowed access via the side gate at the front of the school at 8:30am, where they are greeted by either Mrs Challand or Mr Knowles. Children should then walk straight to their classroom where their class teacher will be on duty.
Younger children must wait with their parent/carer and must queue on the school driveway. The main school gates are opened at 8:40am, and again, children and parents/carers are greeted by either Mrs Challand or Mr Knowles. Parents/carers should walk with their child straight to their classroom where the class teacher will be on duty.
We operate a one-way system on school site, which parents are expected to observe. Parents/Carers should leave the school site via the back gate that leads onto the public footpath onto The Common.
End of Day Procedure
Parents/carers should queue on the school driveway. The school gates are opened at 3:15pm and parents should walk around the exterior of the school building towards their child’s classroom. Parents/carers and children should adhere to the one-way system and leave the school site via the back gate that leads onto the public footpath onto The Common.
Road Safety
The road outside the school does get congested, so please be aware of the neighbours' driveways and park courteously.