Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve

Forest School

Starting in Reception, every class will get the opportunity to take part in Forest School at some point throughout the year. These sessions are led by Mrs Mannion, with support from Mrs English, and the children will take part in a variety of outdoor activities.

The Forest School sessions take place in all weathers and children will need the following items every week during their turn at Forest School:

  • wellies/walking boots/shoes that can get dirty
  • a waterproof coat
  • waterproof over trousers if you have them, or a change of trousers
  • any other items suitable for the season – gloves, hat, scarf and extra layers, or sun hat and sun cream!

A letter will be sent out via ParentHub when it is the turn of your child’s class for Forest School.