Waingroves, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 9TD

01773 744106

Waingroves Primary School

Think. Do. Achieve


Some of our school policies are set by our trust, the EMBARK Federation. However, there are some policies which remain specific to our school, and these are drawn up by the Senior Leadership Team and approved by our Governing Body.

You can request a copy of any of our policies, whether they are set by EMBARK or drawn up by Waingroves Primary School, by contacting our school on 01773 744106 or email to enquiries@waingroves.derbyshire.sch.uk. We can provide policies either by email or paper copy on request.  

Please click on the policy name to view the document.


EMBARK Policies:

EMBARK Admissions Arrangements (2025-26 v3.0)

EMBARK Attendance Policy (2024-25 v1.0)

EMBARK Charging and Remissions Policy (2024-25 v1.1)

EMBARK Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (2024-25 v4.0)

EMBARK Complaints Policy (2024-25 v4.0)

EMBARK Exclusion and Suspension Policy (2024-25 v3.0)

EMBARK Home and School Communication Charter

EMBARK Online Safety Policy (2024-25 v5.0)

EMBARK Parent Dispute Policy (2024-25 v1.0)

EMBARK Unacceptable Conduct Policy (2024-25 v1.0)

EMBARK Whistle Blowing Policy (2024-25 v4.0)


For more EMBARK policies, please click here.


Waingroves Primary School Policies:

Accessibility Plan (2023-2026) reviewed November 2024

Administrating Medications Policy (2023-24 v2.0)

Anti Bullying Policy (2024-25 v2.0)

Behaviour Policy (2024-25 v2.3)

Child-on-Child Abuse Policy (2024-25 v1.0)

Collective Worship Policy (2023-24 v2.0)

Dinner Money Policy (2024-27 v2.0)

Equality and Diversity Policy (2043-25 v2.0)

EYFS Intimate Care Policy (2024-25 v1.0)

Health and Safety Policy (2024-25 v2.0)

Parent Code of Conduct (2024-25 v1.0)

Private Fostering Policy (2023-25 v2.0)

Remote Education Policy (2024-2026 v2.1)

SEND Policy (2024-25 v3.0)

SEND Information Report (2024-25 v2.0)


Curriculum Policies:

Maths Calculation Policy - under review

Music Development Plan (2024-25 v1.0)

Relationships and Sex Education Policy (2023-24 v2.0) - under review


Other Documents:

Communication Charter

Home School Agreement