Welcome to our class page
Miss Naylor teaches our PE lessons on Wednesday and on Thursday.
Mrs Davies teaches in our class on Wednesdays.
Mrs Smith and Mrs Smalley are the teaching assistants in our class.
Our School Councillors are:
Please remember to work on your times tables by logging into TT Rockstars.
We have all made a brilliant start in our new class.
Here are some photographs of us taken on our first few days in Year Two.
Well done to everyone.
Spring 1
Autumn 2
Our topic for Autumn 1
Our Topic Wow!
We really enjoyed making rainbows!
Autumn 2
Our Topic WOW.
We enjoyed talking about what made a person famous. We tried hard to draw our favourite famous person. We then explained to our 'class mates' why our chosen person was famous. Can you guess who we have drawn?
Personal Study
We have been working really hard on our 'Personal Study' topics this week. We have enjoyed discovering why people were brave and how they have changed the world for the better.
Please have a look at some of the models we have created so far.
Our Christmas Party
We had a fabulous time at our Christmas Party today! We even had a very special guest !
We all enjoyed our special party food too, it was delicious.
Christmas Cards 2024
We had an excellent time making our Christmas cards this year. We always enjoy painting and tried very hard to print our own designs this year. We hope you enjoyed them.
2025 Calendars
We enjoyed learning about 'Vincent Van Gogh' and his style of painting. We tried to use watercolours to create a landscape that showed our favourite place. We were really pleased with our finished paintings.
We really enjoyed making a 'Hanukkah Wreath' in our RE lesson with Mrs Davies and Mrs Smith. We worked really hard to cut and arrange the handprints so that they looked like a wreath.
DT days in Autumn 2
We worked really hard to create our own 'Slider cards'. We carefully followed the instructions to make a 'Penguin Slider'. We then used some of the excellent ideas we learnt to plan, make and evaluate our own 'Christmas Slider cards'.
Autumn 2
Forest Schools Week 1
We had a great morning out today taking part in 'Forest Schools'. We learnt about how to 'lash' two small pieces of wood to make a 'sword' like Hector in our book 'Hector and the big bad Knight'. We tried hard to work as part of a team.
We enjoyed making a bird feeder using an apple, an apple corer and sesame seeds. We tried hard to follow the instructions and listened really carefully. Please look at our photos from our excellent morning outside.
Week 2
We had a fantastic morning outside in the snow today. Take a look at some of the amazing things we enjoyed doing.
Week 3
We had a fabulous morning outside at 'Forest Schools' this week. We enjoyed learning how to toast slices of apple on the fire. Some of us really enjoyed dipping the delicious apple slices in cinnamon sugar. It was lovely.
We also enjoyed learning how to make our own bracelets, some of us were even able to create sparks using fire strikes! We had an amazing time.
Week 4
We had an excellent time today at Forest Schools. We listened carefully and really enjoyed learning how to use a large saw. We concentrated really carefully and loved making a 'Father Christmas'. We also had the chance to make a 'Clay Reindeer' using natural materials. We kept super warm with a yummy drink of hot chocolate. It was an amazing morning. :)
Forest Schools Week 5
We had an excellent time at Forest Schools this week. We made a fantastic 'Fir Cone Christmas Tree' and even followed the clues left by a 'Christmas Elf' to find the Christmas treats.
We worked together as a team to build and explore our surroundings, we made shelters and constructed lots of different things together. Please have a look at what we got up to today.
Autumn 1
Our Art 'Drawing' days have been amazing!
We have really enjoyed our ART lessons. We have learnt lots of different 'drawing techniques. It was really interesting to draw using pen. Have a look at our fantastic portraits of our friends.
We enjoyed learning about how to create hard and soft lines. We even learnt how to draw using pen. Here are some examples of our work.
We had an excellent time on Friday. Thank you to our grown ups at home for helping us carve faces into our pumpkins. A big thank you to our school councillors too, we had a brilliant time :)